Youm-e-Difa or Defence day is around the corner. We have a history of celebrating our achievements. We have always celebrated historic days like independence day, Pakistan resolution day, the day we became a nuclear power, etc. 6 September is also a special day for Pakistan. It is celebrated as Pakistan Defence Day. On this day, schools, colleges, and universities hold defence speech and essay competitions.
Speeches could be either in English or Urdu. We have published both Defence day speeches in English and Urdu. More on that later in this article. In this article, Youm-e-Difa speech is in Urdu. However, stay on this website and read everything as we have attached links to other Urdu and English speeches. Have fun reading and then delivering speeches.
Youm-e-Difa Speech #01 in Urdu:

In the above part of the Urdu speech, the bravery on the fence day is discussed. Our armed forces fought hard to not only destroy the enemy but also protect our land from any attack from them. This war is famous worldwide due to the tanks used and destroyed in it. More than 300 tanks were destroyed in this 1965 war.

In the second part of this speech, we are making pledges that we must work hard to protect Pakistan. Moreover, we must work hard to mold our lives according to the Quaid-e-Azam rule,” Unity, Faith, and Discipline.”
- Don’t forget to read the Pakistan Defence Day speech in English as well.
Pakistan Defence Day in Urdu Speech #02:

In the above Urdu speech, we are discussing the bravery of the Pakistan army. Pak army successfully resisted the Indian onslaught on 6 September. M. M. Alam destroyed 5 Indian Hunter Aircrafts with F-86 which weakened Indian strength. Major Aziz Bhatti showed bravery and gave his life for our homeland.

In the above image, we are saluting our soldiers for their bravery in the war. Pakistan’s army not only defended Pakistan in the wars but also save Pakistan from natural disasters like Earthquakes and Floods.
- Also, here is another article on Pakistan Defence Day Speech for Students in English
6 September Pakistan Defence Day Speech in Urdu #03:

In the above Urdu Speech, we discussed why Pakistan celebrates Defence day. On 6 September, the Pakistan army defended our homeland from foreign aggression from the east side. Also, we must dedicate this day to defend our country from any attack on the Ideology of Pakistan.

In the second part, we are promising ourselves to work hard to make Pakistan a place worth living. On Youm-e-Difa, we must also promise ourselves to defend ourselves from the war against corruption, poverty, and other social evils.
All-inclusive, every Youm-e-Difa speech in Urdu in this article is for you. To make a better speech, try to mix these three defence day speeches into one speech. We wish you the best of luck with your competition.
- Also, this article has three more speeches in Urdu. Youm-e-Difa Special: Pakistan Defence Day Speech in Urdu