World hepatitis day 2021 | hepatitis can’t wait. Get awareness!

World hepatitis day 2021 | hepatitis can't wait
⟶ World hepatitis day 2021 | hepatitis can't wait
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On every 28th July of the year, the world observes hepatitis day. Today is no exception as well. Today on World hepatitis day 2021, people are spreading awareness about this disease. Celebrating an awareness day helps guide those who are unaware of its causes and symptoms. Many health care organizations usually organize seminars and awareness walk in various areas around the world where people are not familiar with the nature of the disease. Let’s know how the world is celebrating hepatitis day 2021 and everything you should need to know about this disease.

Hepatitis can’t wait

This year world health awareness organization is celebrating this day with the theme of “hepatitis can’t wait.” The basic objective is to educate people about the fast rate of its spreading. It is the call to the world to make urgent efforts to eliminate this disease from the world. According to WHO, every 30 seconds a person dies of this disease. For spreading more awareness about this disease, WHO is organizing a high-level global talk show. This is an online event that WHO will conduct worldwide through zoom meetings.

Global Talk Show on World hepatitis day 2021

Here are the complete guidelines to attend the hepatitis awareness talk show.

Register for the  event:  Click the link to register
Password: WhepD@y21
Meeting time: 14:00-16:00 CET

World hepatitis day 2021, a talk show on its awareness by WHO
World hepatitis day 2021, a talk show on its awareness by WHO

In the seminar on healthcare, experts will talk about the current situation of all types of hepatitis. They will provide you a platform to discuss the opportunities to eliminate this disease on a global level. WHO will discuss the policies that we can implement on regional and national levels to accelerate the eradication process of this illness. Stakeholders will also be there to contribute to policies regarding this issue. It’s the best opportunity for policymakers or healthcare workers to improve their contribution to fighting against hepatitis. At the same time, common people like me and you can join this meeting to update ourselves with the current situation about this disease and to cope with it on an individual level. If we can’t change the policies or the world at least we can bring improvement on an individual level by learning and implementing precautions.

Why hepatitis is an urgent issue

By reading about the theme, you must be wondering why this disease is an urgent matter to resolve. Especially in the time of so many other viral infections why we need to focus on this disease. Well, we have answers in the light of some real-time facts. According to WHO, out of 5 only 2 types B and C of this illness causing 1.1 million deaths per year. And the 3 million people get diagnosed with it every year. However, this rate of diagnosis is only 10% of total patients. Moreover, out of those ten percent, only 22% receive the treatment. Here you would be wondering, why it’s an issue everyone gets a vaccination for it. But not everyone gets vaccinated for hepatitis. Only 42% of the children worldwide are receiving vaccines just for hepatitis B. Now think about the four other types.

A brief introduction on causes and symptoms of hepatitis

Hepatitis as we all know is a liver infection disease that causes inflammation on this organ. Mainly it’s a viral disease and can occur while physical contact with the body fluids of the affected person. However, there are some other reasons behind it as well such as excessive drugs, alcohol, or certain medicines. There are 5 known types of this disease including A, B, C, D, E. Type B, and C are more common while type D is more fatal but uncommon. Alcohol consumption is the most common cause of this illness. It results in damage to liver cells and ultimately the whole organ. Sometimes autoimmune system of the body mistakenly destroys the liver without any apparent reason.
Here is the list of possible causes of this disease

  • Intimate contact with the affected person
  • Drug abuse
  • Certain medication overdosage
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Consuming feces, blood, or other body fluids of the affected person
types of hepatitis, their causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention
types of hepatitis, their causes, symptoms, and prevention

Usually, the symptoms of the disease do not appear until it damages the liver. However, when the disease gets on higher stages, symptoms show up abruptly. The signs of acute hepatitis include:

  • Dark Urine
  • Pale stool
  • Appetite loss
  • Weight loss
  • Symptoms of flu
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes

hepatitis diagnosis and treatments

You can have a consultation with a doctor for the physical exam for its diagnosis. Doctors can also tell you for the blood test, ultrasound, liver biopsy, or liver function tests if symptoms seem critical. Each type of hepatitis has specific treatment it mainly doctors advise for imp healthy diet and prescribe certain medicines for it.

Prevention, the Basic objective of world hepatitis day 2021

Today the thing we are focusing on the most is to spread awareness for its prevention. We all are more or less aware of causes and symptoms but most of us don’t know how to prevent this disease. Self-prevention on an individual level is the most significant way to eliminate this virus from the world.
Type E of this illness is mainly caused by an unhygienic environment. So it’s important to keep your surroundings clean. Moreover, always try to:

  • Drink pure and filtered water
  • Do not eat ice
  • Always eat fully cooked meat
  • Eat fully washed and completely cooked vegetables

Things you should never do:

  • Never share drug syringes and needles
  • Never share razors with anyone
  • Try to shave at home instead of going to salons
  • Do not touch someone’s blood or other body fluids
  • Do not use someone else toothbrush

Also, adopt a healthy and alcohol-free lifestyle. Do not take any medicine without a prescription just to lose weight or whiten your skin. Stay healthy, happy, and aware of your changing health conditions. We wish you with best health and wellness on this world hepatitis day 2021.
Do tell us if you can’t join or register yourself in the global session so we can guide or help you out.

Also, learn about a mysterious disease that made 18-year-old Ashanti Smith a 144 years old lady? How this disease killed her and why she is the inspiration for all of us?

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