World Braille Day 4 January

World Braille Day 4 January
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What is World Braille Day? What are World Braille Day meanings? When is World Braille Day celebrated? Are you curious to know the answers to all these questions? You are stuck upon the right article. World Braille Day is dedicated to people with disabilities, especially blind and partially sighted people. Stay tuned and connected till the end to grab all these pieces of information. So, come, let’s do it together.

World Braille Day Meaning

World Braille Day Meaning
World Braille Day Meaning

Braille is a touchable representation of alphabetical and numerical symbols using six dots. It is especially used to represent each number and symbol and even scientific, musical, and mathematical symbols. Braille was named after the inventor Louis Braille in the 19th century. Sighted people and blind people use Braille to read the same periodicals and books printed in the visual font. Braille is essential in expressing freedom and opinion, social inclusions, and the context of education.

World Braille Day Themes

World Braille Day Themes
World Braille Day Themes

For the first time, World Braille Day was celebrated in 2019, focusing on understanding the importance of the Braille system and raising awareness and modes of communication. Even under normal circumstances, one billion disabled people worldwide are less access to education, employment, healthcare, and community participation.

World Braille Day History

In 2009, the 200th anniversary was celebrated by World Blind Union and its partner organization. In addition, this celebration evolved into this specific global event: Louis Braille itself lost his eyesight in an accident at a very young age, and he invented the easier system for coding symbols and numerals in the form of raised dots. People with disabilities use their sense of touch to carry their communication and study.

World Braille Day Facts

  • Louis Braille suffered a blind person at an early age in his life.
  • He introduced his coding system for writing at the age of 15, and the system represented the symbols and letters by raised dots.
  • His writing system was inspired by a military idea called “ Night Writing” to communicate for soldiers in the dark without using candles and speaking.
  • The Braille System represented symbols and letters with six dot grids in three rows of two.
  • Six possible places enable Sixty-three symbols, 37 free for numbers and other symbols, and 26 for letters.
  • Braille’s Orignal System omitted the letter W, which was not a part of the French Alphabet.
  • A US company designed a system of dots in 2009, informally known as “Braille for Feet,” working as readable warnings for blinds.
  • NASA discovered an asteroid in 1992, later named 9969 Braille after Louis Braille.
  • Braille takes up more space than normal print.
  • Braille is awesome for partially sighted and blind people.
  • Braille is code, not a language.
  • Braille can be used to write music.

World Braille Day Importance

World Braille Day Importance
World Braille Day Importance
  • Raise awareness for issues of the Partially sighted or blind person.
  • Children should become aware that people are gaining awareness of varying needs and requirements and are unique.
  • To raise awareness about the extra needs of disabled persons.
  • It helps to expand our knowledge for special persons in our society.
  • It also helps to raise funds for the societies and organizations which support blind and partially sighted persons.

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2 thoughts on "World Braille Day 4 January"

  • Ali Reply

    Quite Informative….!

    January 2, 2022 at 3:49 pm
    • Comment by Hasnain Noor
      Hasnain Noor Reply

      Thanks, Dear
      I will do my best to provide such amazing information.

      January 2, 2022 at 3:57 pm

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