Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English | Best Speeches for Students

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English | Best Speeches for Students
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Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English: The Birth Anniversary of our great leader Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is coming closer. As all of us know the worth of this day very well, we all are excited to celebrate this day to pay tribute to the sacrifices of our Quaid. If you are a student having the confidence to speak in front of an audience, this article is for you. Read this complete article, select a speech for you and get a chance to win the award and hearts of the audience through your fabulous speech performance.

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English – Speech #1

Honorable Chief Guest, my respected teachers and all of my fellows, Assalam o Alaikum! Today the topic of speech which I am going to deliver is: Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

There are so many great personalities, but I like Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. A person who was not only a man but a whole institution of truth, honesty and sincerity. He was born to a rich and admired family in Karachi. He got higher education from abroad. He proved his worth as a successful lawyer and stepped into the field of politics. Quaid e Azam observed the miserable condition of Muslims and decided to work for them. He presented his case of two-nation theory practically that each corner of the subcontinent resounded with a single voice.

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لے کے رہیں گے پاکستان

بٹ کے رہے گا ہندوستان

It was the result of his extraordinary leadership that on 23rd March 1940, the Pakistan Resolution was presented at the place of Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore and the Pakistan movement entered into a new phase. Then the sound to get Pakistan converted into the utmost passion of the Muslim community in the subcontinent. Quaid had a broad, vast, talented and clear vision and a lively sense of practical work, which kindled the whole nation over the path of a unique course and eventually on 14th August 1947, a new sun appeared at the horizon of South Asia, which shone with a new name PAKISTAN. Yes, the Pakistan of Quaid, which was determined with the slogan

“Pakistan ka matlab kya”

“La ilaha ilalahلاالہ الا اللہ”

At the end, I want to share some of the ever green wording of Quaid e Azam as he said:

“I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.”

Thank you very much.

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English
Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English for Students – Speech #2

سچاٸی کے انمول اصولوں کو سمبھالا

جناح تیرے پیغام میں جادو تھا نرالا

A leader who believes that a dream can be achieved inspires the power and energy to get it done. Mr. President and dear audience! I am (your name) of class (your class). Today I am here with you to share my view on the topic.

“Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah”

Mr. President, it is to be said that great people are born after centuries which change the condition of a nation with their struggle and hard work. When Allah feels pity for a nation, He sends such people in the world, who come out of them with his struggle and difficulties and of course, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is one of them. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the bravest leader of Muslims of the subcontinent. He was a man having strong moral character. Quaid-e-Azam is the most remarkable man of his time. Throughout his life, not even his worst enemies were able to point fingers towards him. He laid the Muslims of the subcontinent towards a destination.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, his leadership, and his determination are the best examples for following the Father of Nation. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah blessed them a safe place to move freely, and it’s all due to his leadership. Quaid-e-Azam said that my message is all hope, courage and confidence. For his outstanding work for the Muslims of the subcontinent, he is known as Baba e Qaom means the Father of Nation.

ہر مسلماں کے دل میں ہے اِک آگ موجزن      

اِس کا دھواں ہے محمد علی جناح     

Now it is our duty as a true Pakistani we follow his footsteps and work for the solidarity and prosperity of Pakistan. The place of PAK and wise people. The biggest motto of Quaid is unity, faith and discipline.

تو ہی شمعِ کارواں ہے تو ہی منزل کی فلاح

زندہ و پاٸیندہ باد ہے محمد علی جناح

But Mr President, after Quaid, we forget his message and teachings today; we are SUNNI, SHIA, BRELVI and DEOBANDI, but not Pakistani. Sindhis, Balochies, Panjabies are enemies of each other. Today there is no unity, no faith, and no discipline among Muslims.

قائد اعظم آؤ ذرا تم دیکھوا پنا پاکستان

جس کی بنیادوں کی خاطر لاکھوں نے دی اپنی جان

جس کی خاطر کھیت جلے کھلیان جلے گھر بار چلے گھر بار لٹے

ماؤں کے کلیجے چاک ہوئے، جب کڑیل بیٹے خاک ہوۓ پھولوں کا سنگھاسن ڈول کیا

، پرواز پرندے بھول گئے ، احساس کے جھنڈے سوکھ گئے

اور پاؤں کی روانی رک سی گئی یوں خون کی ہولی کھیلی گئی۔۔۔

 قائد اعظم آؤ ذرا تم دیکھوا پنا پاکستان       

Thanks for listening me!

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English – Speech #3

Respected Principal, Teachers, and My Fellow Students Assalam O Alaikum! Today, the topic of my debate is “Quaid-e-Azam A Great Leader”.

Today is the 25th December 2021 entire nation is observing the Birth Anniversary of our beloved leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, with great devotion. He was called the Father of the Nation. He became its first Governor-General. Quaid e Azam is the greatest leader of our history. He won a separate state of Pakistan and printed his name forever in the pages of history. He was a sincere and devoted leader of the Muslims. He was an intelligent and lively thinker. He awakened the Muslims from their slumber. He told them that they were a separate nation from Hindus. They needed a separate state to live in according to their religion and culture. He impressed upon the mind of the Muslims of India the necessity of a separate country.Quaid-e-Azam is indeed ranked amongst the most visionary politicians and great statesmen of the world.

The Quaid successfully led the freedom movement of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent and established the first Islamic ideological state of the world. Freedom Movement is a living testimony to Quaid’s political insight and visionary leadership, which would continue to be a bright reference point in history. The entire world is aware of Quaid’s adherence to his principles. He respected law and constitution all his life and fostered positive values in politics. He imparted such inspiring lessons like unity, faith and discipline to the Muslims of the Sub-Continent that they enlightened our lives even today.

“With faith, discipline, and self-devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English
Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English

The nation is fully aware that we are poised at a critical juncture of our history. There is no space for extremism in a country envisioned by the Father of Nation. The firm resolve of the present democratic government would leave no stone unturned to make Pakistan the Quaid’s Pakistan in the real sense.

“We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.”

Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English
Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English

Alhamdullilah, we have achieved many milestones by acting upon the ideals of our Quaid. The Law and Order situation in the country is much improved, and the backbone of extremist elements has been broken. The government is striving day and night to eliminate load shedding from the country that remained the biggest hurdle in the economic growth, and completion of CPEC projects will turn around the economic outlook of the whole region. I am sure that we would successfully overcome all the challenges in our country by seeking guidance from the sayings of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

“I have full faith in my people that they will rise to every occasion worthy.”

I pray to Allah Almighty to grant our Quaid the highest of the ranks in Jannah. Thanks for your attention!

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2 thoughts on "Quaid e Azam Day Speech in English | Best Speeches for Students"

  • Bushra Reply

    Very very beneficial website highly appreciated

    December 7, 2021 at 12:52 pm
  • Zainab Reply

    Very beneficial I appreciate it.
    good thing in speeches
    yours truly
    small girl
    in 5 class

    December 8, 2021 at 9:27 am
  • Sawaira Imran Reply

    It was very helpful for me

    December 11, 2021 at 10:45 am
  • Farina Ajmal Reply


    December 12, 2021 at 8:01 am
  • Hamdan Ali Reply

    NIce i am in grade 4 so but speech is on 13 december 2021 means today so i will say this speech

    December 13, 2021 at 7:10 am
  • shagufta bano Reply

    i’m the daughter of quaid e azam and i’m really happy to tell your that your speeches are heart touching. P.S i’m his daughter from his second wife.

    December 21, 2021 at 8:00 am

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