Plague Cases in the USA: Concerns of an outbreak in Colorado

Plague cases in the USA: More worries for the world
⟶ Possible Plague Outbreak in the USA: Plague bacteria is found in Colorado
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If you are thinking of just letting Covid pass, then we will have fun. Then we have got some important news! An outbreak that has caused Millions of deaths in the past has now returned in the state of Colorado, USA. Plague Cases in the USA are making international headlines all around the world. Not only that, upon testing animals in the state, rodents have tested positive for carrying bacteria that cause Plague. But now, experts are saying it cannot cause heavy casualties. How serious is this? What are the symptoms, modes of transmission, and Treatment? Learn from NaeTaze.

Reports about Plague Cases in the USA:

The 10-year-old girl which died from Plague was from La Plata County in Colorado. According to the Department of Health and Environment representative, Plague was also detected in San Miguel, El Paso, Boulder, Huer Fano, and Adam countries. Moreover, Fleas have tested positive for the bacteria “Yersinia Pestis” that cause Plague.

In Colorado, we expect to have fleas test positive for Plague during the summer months”, according to the Department of Health and Environment representative.

History of Plague in the USA- The USA saw the first cases of Plague in 1890. When Ships from Asia with rodents having fleas reached the USA, it affected people in nearby areas. First Epidemics occurred in Port cities. The last Urban outbreak occurred in 1924 in Los Angeles. After that year, some cases were reported in rural areas of the country.

Fleas play a crucial role in the transmission of the Plague.
Fleas play a crucial role in the transmission of the Plague.

Symptoms of the Plague:

The symptoms of the Plague are:
1) Sudden Fever

2) Headache

3) Chills

4) Weakness

5) Painful lymph nodes

Diagnosis of different types of Plague:

Plague has 3 different types depending upon the diagnosis procedure and where the disease impacts.

The most common sign is the formation of a swollen and Painful lymph gland called a Bubo. This helps doctors in identifying the disease. This happens in the Bubonic type of Plague.

In Septicemic and Pneumonic Plague, there are no obvious signs that help doctors in identifying the plague on Physical examination. Doctors have to do blood tests to diagnose Septicemic type. Pneumonic type affects lungs and needs a scan.

Treatment & Prevention of Plague:

There is no vaccination available for Bacteria “Yersinia Pestis”. However, if detected early, it can be treated with Anti-biotics.

However, prevention is the best form of treatment.

Preventions of Plague are:
1) Reduce Rodent Habitats around your home. Uproot bushes, and remove junk or any other possible rodent and rabbit home near your home. If there won’t be any habitat, chances are rodents and rabbits, which carry the Yersinia Pestis bacteria, won’t come near you or your home.

2) Don’t allow your pets to roam outside especially when there is an endemic going on.

3) Wear gloves while skinning the rabbit after hunting.

4) Keep fleas off your pets. Fleas spread more than 80 Percent Plague. So, if you find fleas on your pets, apply some medicine or spray to kill or remove them.

5) Don’t touch wildlife during the outbreak of the area where cases are being reported. In particular, don’t touch dead rodents and rabbits. Furthermore, keep your pets away from them as well.

Plague killed Millions of people in the Middle Ages. But now it is treatable. Last year in the USA, 2 people were diagnosed with Pague and both recovered. But that does not mean you will surely survive. It can also cause death in modern times as well.

Transmission of Plague Bacteria “Yersinia Pestis” :

Plague is spread due to infected fleas that bite people or other animals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention. Bacteria “Yersinia Pestis” in the flea is the main reason for the spread. It transfers from one individual to another.

Bacteria that cause Plague transfers via flea bites, and touching an already infected.
Bacteria that cause Plague transfers via flea bites, and touching an already infected.

Bacteria remain in the rodents and rabbits to satisfy their needs. When done with the host, it transfers to other hosts like Humans, rodents, or other animals. This cycle is called the Enzootic cycle.

Plague is common near forest areas or grasslands as wildlife including rodents and rabbits will be there. Without them, it cannot transmit. The methods of Transmission are:

  • Flea Bite: When bacteria are in rodents and they die, then bacteria look for other hosts. It transmits to another host via the biting of fleas mostly.
  • Contact with any Contaminated thing: Touching an infected thing is also a reason for transmission. For example, after hunting a rabbit, hunters skin it. If rabbits were infected, then transmission of bacteria can happen.
  • Via Fluids: Bacteria can also transmit via fluids like blood or saliva. Using a used syringe is a leading reason in this category. Moreover, if an infected person coughs near you, then bacteria can enter through the nose.
  • By using things of an infected person: If you use things of an infected person, you can get a plague. For example, using the towel of an infected person can cause the disease.


Plague cases in the USA have caused concerns among Health Experts. Colorado State is now the focus of health officials. Rodents in this state have tested positive for Bacteria that cause Plague. It has caused millions of deaths in European history. However, it is highly unlikely there will be many deaths now. Now, we have Anti-biotics that can treat it and better health facilities. So, there is no need to worry.

What do you think about the World facing possible threats of outbreaks? Let us know in the comment section.

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