Passover- History, Traditions, and Special Meals 

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Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is one of the most spiritual and widely observed holidays of the Jewish religion. In Judaism, Passover dedicates the anecdote of the Israelites’ exit from ancient Egypt. This story was briefly explained in the Hebrew Bible’s books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, among other texts. Jews celebrate this fiesta with several significant traditions, including a traditional Passover feast known as a seder, the deduction of leavened foods from their home, the alteration of matzo for bread, and the delivery of the exodus story. This fiesta consists of almost 7 days of celebration. Readout important facts regarding the Passover History, celebration & Traditions. 

When will Passover 2022 be? 

Passover 2022 will begin at sundown on Friday, April 15 this year. This year it will be commemorated from April 15 to April 23. In 2022, the first Seder will be on April 15 after sundown, and the second Seder will be on April 16 after nightfall.

Passover History

According to the Hebrew Bible, Jewish accommodation in ancient Egypt occurs with the arrival of Joseph there. Joseph was a son of the patriarch Jacob and the founder of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. He moved to ancient Egypt with his family during a brutal famine in their country of Canaan. For many years the Israelites lived in peace in the territory of Goshen, but with the growth of their population, the Egyptians considered them a threat. After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the story proceeded. An extremely antagonistic pharaoh forced their slavery. He also ordered the systematic drowning of their firstborn sons in the Nile.

One boy, Moses, was saved and adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. When Moses grew up, he was commanded by God to ask Pharaoh to let the Jews go. Pharaoh denied and God set out to persuade him by way of the Ten Plagues. Jews have been told to mark their doors with the blood of a lamb they’ve sacrificed for the Passover Offering. Jews are thanked for being “passed over” and kept safe from the plagues: it’s an indication that even when Jews are victimized, the Bible confides that they are chosen people and will withstand.

Passover Traditions

One of the most important Passover rituals for Jews is a deduction of all leavened food commodities from their home before the holiday begins. They abstain from these leavened foods throughout the duration. Instead of bread, religious Jews eat a type of flatbread called matzo. According to tradition, the reason behind the fact is that the Hebrews left Egypt in such urgency that there was no time for their bread to rise, or perhaps because matzo was lighter and easier to carry through the desert than bread.


On the first two nights of Passover, families, and friends gather for a religious feast known as a seder for the Jewish holiday. During the meal, the story of the exodus from Egypt is read aloud from a special text called the Haggadah (Hebrew for “telling”), and rituals corresponding to various aspects of the narrative are performed. For example, vegetables are dipped into saltwater representing the tears Jews shed during their time as slaves, and bitter herbs (usually horseradish) symbolizing the unpleasant years of their bondage are eaten.

Passover Meals

The most well-known Passover foods are maror (bitter herbs) and matzah (unleavened bread), which is a reminder of slaves who left Egypt because they did not even have time for the bread to rise.  During Passover days, no leavened or fermented food or drink is eaten or drunk. Even baked cake, cookies, cereal, pasta, and most alcoholic beverages are not permitted to eat during Passover. Here are some of the traditional Passover Food Recipes. 

Passover Charoset 

Traditionally, the matzah is served with a sweet condiment called charoset, a mixture of apples, nuts, and wine. This symbolic dish represents the bricks used by the Jewish slaves to build Pharaoh’s cities. The basic recipe (though it varies) is:


  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 3 apples, unpeeled, and cut into pieces
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
  • 1 tablespoon sugar 
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons grape juice or sweet Passover wine

Put the walnuts in the chopping bowl and roughly chop into large dice a few times in the processor, being careful not to over-process. 

Add the apple pieces and chop to desired consistency. Add the remaining ingredients and blend well to make a smoothie. Enjoy your delicious Passover Charoset. 

Chicken Fricassee


  • 1 kg chicken pieces
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, diced
  • 2-3 stalks of celery
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • ¼ cup potato starch
  • oil for frying
  • ½ cup dry or semi-dry white wine
  • 2-3 tbsp dried parsley flakes
  • 1 tbsp. paprika or smoked paprika

Take a plastic bag & put chicken pieces, pepper, and chicken pieces in it. Add potato starch to the plastic bag and mix well. 

Fry chicken pieces in oil for 2-3 minutes until they turn brown. Remove chicken pieces from the pan and add onion, garlic, sprinkle parsley flakes, paprika, and wine. 

Stir all the ingredients well & add some wine to make a sauce and now add fried chicken pieces into the cooked mixture. 

Cover and simmer on the stovetop for an hour until fork tender. Enjoy the delicious Chicken Fricassee. 

Passover Hamburgers


  • 1 kg chopped meat
  • 2 medium potatoes, diced
  • ½ small onion, diced
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • Chicken fat or oil for frying

Mix chopped meat, grated potatoes, diced onion, egg, and salt in a bowl to form hamburgers. Add chicken fat or oil to a pan and heat it. Make small hamburger patties from the mixture. 

Put the patties in the hot oil and fry over medium heat. Fry the hamburgers until crisp on both sides. Fresh, delicious, and crispy Passover Hamburgers are ready to serve.

Fresh Lemonade


  • 2 large lemons
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 quarts water
  • Ice cubes

Squeeze the lemons in a small bowl and save some of the pulp.  Take out the rinds and the seeds from the lime juice. 

Pour the lemon juice into a large pitcher, add the water & sugar and stir the mixture well. Put the prepared Fresh Lemonade into the fridge for an hour or so. 

Stir Lemonade again before serving. Add some ice cubes if needed and enjoy Fresh Lemonade as your Passover drink. 

Also, visit International Day of Conscience, April 5

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