Pakistan Independence Day is the biggest occasion for Pakistanis. From children to elders, it is the day that everyone commemorates. People do different things on this day. But mainly, on 14 August, we celebrate our freedom, look back to history, remember our heroes, and pay tribute to those who laid their lives in establishing and then defending our homeland. To pay such tributes, different functions are arranged in our homeland. Mostly, Essay competitions in English and Urdu languages are held across the country. Thus, Gear up Because, In this article, we will talk about EVERYTHING related to Pakistan Independence Day Essay.
In this article, we have divided the essay on independence day into six portions.
1) Add a Little History in Pakistan Independence Day Essay:
2) How does Pakistan (Government & Officials) celebrate 14 August?
3) How do YOU celebrate Pakistan Independence Day 2021?
4) Celebrating Pakistan Independence Day 2021 and Covid protocols.
5) MODERN Way to celebrate | Pakistan Independence Day 2021 WhatsApp status and Stickers.
6) The bottom line of some essay winning tips at the end.
Here We Go!
Add a Little History in Pakistan Independence Day Essay:
Start your essay with some history. Whether the competition of the independence day essay is for class 2 or class 6 or secondary and online competitions. Always start with the history. Make it brief yet concise. Have a look:
Subcontinent fought hard but lost to British in 1857 war of Independence. East India Company which came for trade soon overtook the subcontinent. Then British government acceded to the throne in 1868 and gained control of the whole subcontinent. Both Hindus and Muslims fought together in the 1857 war. After the loss, Muslims bore the majority of the burden. This led to the complete extermination of Muslims from governmental posts. Then, nations within the subcontinent fought themselves. 1867 Urdu-Hindi controversy is the earliest one.
During this controversy, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan coined the term “Two Nation Theory”. He said Hindus and Muslims can’t stay together. This two-nation concept later became the foundation of the Pakistan movement.
Initially, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal were in favor of united India. But as the chaos among these major nations began, both demanded a separate homeland for Muslims. In Allama Iqbal’s famous 1930 Allahabad Address, he demanded that Northwestern states should become Muslim states. To your surprise, the exact map Allama Iqbal drew is now Present Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam struggled to make the dream of a separate state become reality. On 23 March 1940, Quaid-e-Azam gave the most important speech in Pakistan’s history. He described the roadmap to the formation of a new state and assured that he would not settle for anything less. To commemorate this day, Minar-e-Pakistan was built as well.

Announcement of Pakistan | Pakistan Independence Day date:
In 1946, Muslim League was the biggest party representing Muslims. 1945–46 elections proved to be deciding factor for the partition. All the Muslim seats in provincial and central assembly (with very small exceptions) were won by Muslim League. The majority of Muslims chose Muslim League that was demanding partition. Thus, Mountbatten and Radcliffe were brought to decide about the partition plan.
On 4 July 1947, the Viceroy made the announcement on the radio about the Partition plan. In that announcement, the declaration of the formation of India and Pakistan was announced. On 7 August, Quaid e Azam reached Karachi.
- When Pakistan got independence? Pakistan got independence on 14 August 1947.
On 15 August, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was sworn in as Pakistan’s first Governor-General. Then, It was official. Quaid-e-Azam created history.
Due to the valiant efforts of our leaders and forefathers, we are now living in peace. We have the freedom to talk, think, act and move due to the sacrifices of our forefathers. Million died during the 1947 migration only. Those who died during the migration had the dream that they would live peacefully in the new country. They were tormented in British India and now it was their time of happiness. But there was something else written in destiny. Therefore, we must be grateful that we did not have to go through to live peacefully that our forefathers went through. During celebrating independence, let’s not forget those who laid their lives for Pakistan!
How does Pakistan (Government & Officials) celebrate 14 August?
In the second portion of the essay on Pakistan Independence day, add the official celebration traditions.
Every country celebrates its Independence Day with full zeal and fervor. Pakistan has also few traditions to celebrate its independence.
Officially, Pakistan celebrates by:
- Flag-raising ceremonies
- Cultural events
- The playing of patriotic songs.
- Parades
Flags raising ceremonies are held in the government buildings.
Embassies of Pakistan overseas held special functions on this occasion. Overseas Pakistan also participates in them. In presidential residence, a function is also held.
In government schools, different functions are held to commemorate Independence Day. Speeches programs on Pakistan’s Independence Day are also a must in these schools. Cultural programs and a dummy parade are also a part of the function.
An Essay on How do you celebrate Independence Day 2021?
In the third portion of the essay, discuss how “You” should celebrate Pakistan Independence day.
Pakistanis often celebrate independence day uncontrollably. No kidding! Last year, on Independence Day 2020, People crowded the Tomb of Quaid-e-Azam (Mazaar-e-Quaid). They made the environment so noisy that it was shameful for every Pakistani to see.
Essay on how should we celebrate Pakistan Independence Day?
For starters, hoist a Pakistani flag on your house’s roof. A Pakistani flag in the sky is a sight to behold. When the air flicks the flag, it gently and sometimes vigorously moves it in its direction. It is enough to ignite the passion for patriotism.
Secondly, wear a green and white dress. Green and white dresses resemble the colors of our flag. Many brands launch their Azaadi collection. Green and white dresses are part of this collection. People show their love to their country via these attires.
Thirdly, wear flag badges. With or without lightning, badges reflect your love for the country. People wear it on the chest, mostly on the heart. This shows the love and connection of the flag to their hearts.

Fourthly, Hang pennants (Urdu: Jhandian) everywhere in your home.
Last but not the least, Private schools are also not behind on this occasion. They held dramas, speech competitions, tributes to soldiers, and displays of sheer patriotism.
What you should not do?
Also, touch on those points which Pakistanis should not do to make your essay look more relevant. For instance, write:
You must not do any activity involving Air and Noise pollution.
Do not Burn crackers on 14 August. Pakistan is already one of the most affected countries by climate change. Burning crackers will worsen already deteriorating air quality.
Do not blow horns. Children often blow horns on this day. Last year, people blew horns and created an environment of chaos at the tomb of Quaid-e-Azam. This causes noise pollution.
Moreover, don’t remove silencers from your bike. Making unnecessary voices won’t make you more patriotic. But being a responsible citizen will. Avoid doing any uncivilized activity which might affect or harm other fellow Pakistani.
An Essay on Independence Day and Covid protocols:
In the fourth portion, discuss the biggest issue Pakistan is facing right now. Without writing about it, your essay will look like it without any knowledge of the current scenario in the world. Write:
During the pandemic, every Pakistani must be careful. Try not to get infected while celebrating Independence Day. Delta variant is already spreading like wildfire in the country. Sindh, especially Karachi, is immensely affected by it. So, the people of Karachi must follow strict covid protocols during this.
You must maintain a six feet distance from your fellow Pakistani. Don’t go to any gathering. Avoid going to those areas where you expect a large public like Minar-e-Pakistan or the tomb of Quaid-e-Azam. The world is digital today. Post on social media instead of going out.
Moreover, don’t go outside without wearing a mask. Mask is a must if you want to keep yourself safe and healthy. Also, use hand sanitizers regularly.
Pakistan Independence Day 2021 falls in the month of Muharram. So, do keep the sanctity of this month in mind while celebrating anything.
MODERN Way to celebrate | Pakistan Independence Day 2021 WhatsApp status and Stickers:
In your Pakistan Independence Day Essay, add modern ways which Pakistans are commonly adopting. Nowadays, youth use social apps and media to celebrate a special occasion.
Pakistan Independence Day 2021 WhatsApp status and Stickers display patriotism. Upload status of Patriotic songs, preferably of ISPR. Short clips of these songs are available on YouTube and Dailymotion.
Also, post videos of places of Pakistan with background playing any patriotic song or national anthem. Try to make or find such videos, which cover all the important places in Pakistan.
Moreover, speeches of important Pakistan’s personalities can also be put on WhatsApp statuses. There are some videos of Quaid-e-Azam available on YouTube as well which can also be used as WhatsApp status.
Similarly, Clips of important moments Pakistan faced can also be used as a status. For Instance, the 1998 Atom bomb test, the 1992 World cup final catch, the 2009 T20 world cup final run, and the Champions Trophy 2017 victory against India. These are the moments that every Pakistani loves. So, put them on the status and let the patriotism flow.
In addition to this, many apps contain Pakistan Independence Day stickers. You can get them from Google Play Store.
Let’s encapsulate the above important points about the Pakistan Independence Day Essay.
Every Pakistani has a desire to celebrate Pakistan Independence Day 2021 with full enthusiasm. We pay tributes to our Muslim League leaders, forefathers, martyrs, and freedom fighters on this day. Functions are held in schools, colleges, embassies, and the Presidential House. People wear badges, hoist flags, and wear green and white dresses. However, this time it is slightly different due to the delta variant. So, use social media more and go out less!
The Bottom Line:
Pakistan Independence Day Essay completion will be happening in your institutes or special programs. Try to write unique and add diversity to it. Use quotations and historical incidents in it. Cover the past and present scenario Pakistan is going through. Also, don’t overdo the fun tone. Try to keep it as formal as possible. Moreover, end your independence day essay on a high and positive note. We are confident that you will write an amazing essay if you follow the guidelines. Whether the Pakistan independence day essay competition is for class 6 or in the whole city, You will write exquisitely. BEST OF LUCK!
If you liked this article, then Don’t forget to click on this link to read about the Pakistan Independence day Speeches