NLC Career Opportunities 2023

NLC Career Opportunities 2023
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NLC has officially announced career opportunities. NLC career opportunities include various positions for newbies who want to stabilize their professional level. National Logistics Corporation is the premier multimodel logistics organization. It has a rich history consisting of multiple solutions to its valuable clients for more than four decades. NLC plays an important role in the growth of the national economy by offering an uninterrupted logistics cycle through ERP enabled fleet management handling the bulk of domestic & regional cargo. So, NLC career opportunities are a good option for skilled & professionals to start their careers.

NLC career opportunities are offered to suitable candidates for various positions. These opportunities include Instructor of TAT (Internet of Things Application Technology), Lab Attendant/ Assistant of TAT (Internet of Things Application Technology), Instructor English, Store Keeper, Sanitary Worker, Instructor MM&AT (Mechanical Manufacturing & Automation Technology), Lab Attendant/ Assistant MM&AT (Mechanical Manufacturing & Automation Technology), Instructor Chemistry, and Office Boy. Candidates can apply for one or multiple posts according to their criteria level.

This post is going to cover a detailed process regarding said NLC career opportunities. Willing candidates can continue to read the whole article to get details.

NLC Career Opportunities 3 - NaeTaze

NLC Career Opportunities’ Overview

Posted On06-September-2023
OrganizationNLC National Logistics Corporation
Job Type Contract Basse
EducationMiddle to onward
Address GHQ Hardinge Road Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
Closing Date20-September-2023
NLC Positions’ Summary

Vacant Positions

  • Instructor IoTAT (Internet of Things Application Technology)
  • Instructor MM&AT (Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation Technology)
  • Lab Attendant/ Assistant IoTAT (Internet of Things Application Technology)
  • Lab Attendant/ Assistant MM&AT (Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation Technology)
  • Instructor English
  • Instructor Chemistry
  • Store Keeper
  • Office Boy
  • Sanitary Worker

Qualification & Experience Requirements

Instructor IoTAT BSCS or B.Sc (Computer/ Software/ Telecom/ Electronics/ Electrical Engineering)Two years of teaching/ industry experience.
Instructor MM&AT B.Sc (Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Industrial Engineering)Two years of teaching/ industry experience.
Lab Attendant/ Assistant IoTATDAE (CIT/ Telecom/ Electronics) / ICSOne year of relevant experience.
Lab Attendant/ Assistant MM&ATDAE (Mechanical) / ICSOne year of relevant experience.
Instructor EnglishBA/ MA (English)with a one-year Diploma in ChineseThree years of teaching experience.
Instructor ChemistryBS/ M.Sc (Chemistry)Three years of teaching experience.
Store KeeperGraduation / Intermediate / Matric1: Military – Retired NCO / Soldier having 18 years of relevant experience
2: Civilian – Intermediate / Graduation with 5 years relevant experience.
Office BoyLiterateMust be proficient/efficient in his trade work.
Sanitary WorkerLiterateMust be proficient/efficient in his trade work.
Qualification & Experience Criteria

NLC Positions’ Vacancies Details

Sr.NoPositions Vacancies
01Instructor IoTAT 2
02Instructor MM&AT 1
03Lab Attendant/ Assistant IoTAT1
04Lab Attendant/ Assistant MM&AT1
05Instructor English1
06Instructor Chemistry1
07Store Keeper1
08Office Boy1
09Sanitary Worker2
Vacancies’ Details

Location of Posting

The location of posting for all NLC Career Opportunities will be Mandra.


Market Competitive remuneration will be offered.

Age Limit

The maximum age limit for NLC Career Opportunities is 55 years.

NLC Career Opportunities 2 - NaeTaze

NLC Career Opportunities’ Advertisement

NLC Career Opportunities
NLC Career Opportunities

How to Apply

  • Candidates applying for the posts from Serial 1 to 6 can apply through the online portal i.e.
  • Process: The Portal will appear having two fields. Enter a valid CNIC & strong password then tap Submit.
  • Candidates applying for the posts from Serial 7 to 9 can send their application on the prescribed form (NLCAF-2023 available at NLC’s website) along with attested photocopies of educational documents, diplomas, experience certificates, CNIC, 2 x passport size photographs, and copies of discharge book (In case of JCOs / NCOs / Soldiers) at Human Resources Section (ATINs), NLC Harding Road, Rawalpindi.
  • Process: Candidates have to fill 11 fields.
  • Paste a passport-size picture on the form then fill it as instructed below.

The form’s look

Candidates can take a view of the form to get them familiarized with the form.

form - NaeTaze
Form Overview
  1. First of all candidates have to enter the selected Position name with the location.
  2. Next, they have to enter their name by just using Capital letters.
  3. Thirdly they have to enter their father’s name.
  4. The next field will require you to enter a valid CNIC and date of Birth.
  5. Next Phone No & Email will be entered.
  6. Add Postal Address
  7. In the 7th field, candidates have to write their academic qualification data in a sequence.
  8. The next field is specified for experience details, candidates have to fill it according to their experience level.
  9. In the 9th field, candidates have to write about their training or courses sequentially.
  10. Fill this field in case of any disability or disease otherwise, skip that.
  11. Enter an amount as an expected salary.
  12. Finally, at the end of the form write the date and signature & submit that form according to the instructions mentioned above before the closing date.
  13. The closing Date for the said posts is 20 September 2023.

Address & Contact Information

Address: Headquarters National Logistics Corporation
Hardinge Road, GHQ
Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Contact Information: HQ NLC.
+92 (51) 111 652-000

HR Branch.
+92 (51) 5916200 – Ext: 506

Details about the said post have been completed. Hopefully, it will solve all the issues regarding the positions & will prove an authentic source for the whole detail relevant to NLC positions. Candidates can also visit other posts to get information about different government & private jobs in Pakistan.

How to Prepare for the Test

How to prepare for NLC Career Opportunities

Shall I learn any skills if I join this vacancy?

Yes, of course, every new place of work adds to your skills & knowledge. Surely it will add to your professional skills. It will build a skill of teamwork.

Is it a remote job?

No, this is not a remote job. Selected candidates have to be present on campus.

Is any TA/DA will be admissible?

Only shortlisted individuals will be called for the test /interview for which No TA / DA will be admissible.

For Which province NLC career opportunities are?

NLC career opportunities are for competent candidates from all over Pakistan.

About the Author:

Sadaf Burhan

Dedicated content writer with a knack for crafting compelling stories and engaging articles. With a keen eye for detail and a love for language, create captivating content that resonates with readers. ...
More about Sadaf Burhan...

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