National DNA Day 2022| Mission Behind DNA Day Celebration

National DNA Day 2022| Mission Behind DNA Day Celebration
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National DNA Day is being celebrated for the successful completion of the Human Genome Project 2003 and the discovery of DNA Double Helix in 1953. The National Human Genome Research Institute started commemorating the National DNA Day on April 25th after the 108th legislature passed resolutions nominating it as DNA Day. The objective of National DNA Day is to provide an opportunity to the students, teachers, and the public to know about the day.

The National Human Genome Research Institute- NHGRI motivates associations to host events celebrating DNA Day. Are you searching to learn the mission, background of the National DNA Day? Well, you’ve clicked the right post. Here you will find all about National DNA Day. 

DNA Day Mission 

National DNA Day- DNA Reviving

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is an administrator for National DNA Day celebrations. Since 2003, National DNA Day has provoked students, mentors, and the public together to explore the objectives of the day. April 25 is being celebrated as the completion of the Human Genome Project 2003 and the discovery of the DNA Double Helix 1953. Mission of DNA Day accentuates its conception and motive:

♦ National DNA Day is a global movement to line up, stimulate and empower organizations, teachers, and learners. The purpose behind empowering them is to innovate, and unite to explore the shared humanity and relationship to the natural world.

♦ The prospect of reviving extinct species or the best genetic hybrid version had seemed to become reality in 2021. 

♦ The genome engineering technologies and upgrades in sequencing archaic DNA to reconstruct the endangered or extinct species DNA. Once it is reconstructed, it would be possible to insert them into the comparative living organisms. 

DNA Double Helix

Biotech researchers – Professor George Church, a pioneer in genome sequencing and genome editing are exploring the prospects and possibilities to reconstruct the genome of extinct species such as the woolly mammoth. Once it succeeds, genomics would be the survival of the extinct species. It would also be beneficial to explore wilderness fittest species. Professor George Church, works as a pioneer in genome sequencing and genome editing. Once in an interview, he stated his objectives to work for genomics as follows: 

~Professor George Church
~Professor George Church

“DNA reading has been improving in cost and quality exponentially at 2 to 8-fold per year (3-fold average) since the 1980s – about 20 million-fold since the $3G low quality (haploid) genome in 2004 to a high-quality (diploid) genome in 2020 at $300 (and the first truly complete (albeit haploid) human genome in 2021). DNA writing, at the core of synthetic biology, has improved similarly. Reading and writing – together – are impacting agriculture, data storage, forensics, history, materials, diagnostics, therapeutics, preventative medicine, aging, endangered species, climate change, and much more.”

~Professor George Church

Professor Gene Robinson, a pioneer in the utilization of genomics for studying social behavior, stated the reasons; why he worked for genomics. He stated that: 

~Professor Gene Robinson
~Professor Gene Robinson

“The greatest aspect of working in research relating to the study of DNA is that this research impacts so many areas of science and society. We are still in the early stages of the “genomics revolution,” and like the digital revolution that started 50 years ago, the effects of the genomics revolution are far-reaching and only beginning to be felt.”

~Professor Gene Robinson

DNA Day Background 

The COVID-19 pandemic showed the potential threat created by corona viruses for public health. Various genomic studies have been conducted to deduce how viruses evolve, mutate and extent, in order to anticipate future eruptions. Studies show that SARS-CoV-2 is not the first coronavirus to cause a pandemic to humanity. It’s likely to say that once in your life, you have been infected by the virus that belongs to the same Coronaviridae family. In a communal study, the genetic data from the 1000 Genomes Project was analyzed, which discovered that a coronavirus pandemic appeared in East Asia over 20,000 years ago. The study has been published in Current Biology. 

In the United States, DNA Day was first celebrated on April 25, 2003, by proclamation of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. But the annual celebration was not declared. Later the annual DNA Day celebrations have been organized by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), since 2010. In 2012, April 25 was declared “International DNA Day” and “World DNA Day” by several organizations. Various Genealogical DNA testing corporations organize annual DNA Day sales examining the public interests and expanding their service. 

DNA Day Celebrations

Biotech researchers are exploring ways to revive the genome of the extinct species. Some biologists are also analyzing the utilization of genomics for studying social behavior so that the genome of nature’s fittest species can be constructed. DNA Day Celebrations provides awareness about the advances in genomic research and explores how these progressions influence the lives of the organisms.

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