Kashmir Day Quotes, Poetry, and Posters

Kashmir Day Quotes, Poetry, and Posters
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Kashmir Day Quotes, Poetry, and Posters | Kashmir Solidarity Day or Kashmir Day is a national holiday celebrated each year in Pakistan on 5 February. Pakistan supports the Kashmiri people’s rights and wants India to release the land and allow the Kashmiris to live in peace. India, on the other hand, has conquered Kashmir due to its strategic location. Kashmiris are adamant about freeing their homeland from foreign occupation. 

Are you looking for some best Kashmir Day Quotes, Poetry and Posters? Are you going to participate in a competition about Kashmir Day or Kashmir Solidarity Day? Well, you’re at the right place. In this article you’ll read famous Kashmir Day Quotes, Poetry. You may also check Kashmir Day Posters here. So, stay connected and read this post till the end. 

Kashmir Solidarity Day

Kashmiris are willing to give their lives for the security of their homeland, and Indian armed forces have so far been powerless in the face of the Kashmiri people. The people of Kashmir despise India and the Indian military. They don’t want them to encroach on their privacy. They want to reclaim their nation from foreign occupation and live in peace. They want the rest of the world to be aware of the Indian military’s atrocities against Kashmiris.

Tweets About Kashmir Day

On 5th February 2022, Muslims throughout the world are praying for Kashmiris. Here are various impressions on social media about Kashmir Day. The president of Pakistan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and many other people posted different messages and Kashmir Day Posters on Twitter. Have a look here:

Kashmir Day Quotes

Here are some most famous Kashmir Day Quotes that glorify the importance of Kashmir and Kashmiris. Kashmiris are fighting for their moral values. They don’t even have the right to live freely. Some famous personalities highlight Kashmir Day. 

Kashmir Day Quotes
Kashmir Day Quotes

“Over 7 decades of Indian Occupation & oppression have failed to weaken the Kashmiri people’s resolve to struggle for their right to self-determination. Now, a younger generation of Kashmiris is taking the struggle forward with even greater resolve”.  Imran Khan

Quaid-e-Azam’s interest in Kashmir is evident from the fact that he explained the significance of the name of Pakistan to Mountbatten on 17 May 1947 as “The derivation of the word Pakistan – P for Punjab; A for Afghan (i.e. Pathans NWFP); K for Kashmir; I for nothing because that letter was not in the word in Urdu; S for Sindh and Tan for the last syllable for Balochistan”.  Quaid e Azam

“We must learn from history that there is no military solution to the Kashmir issue…we have to understand this reality.”   Pervaiz Musharaf

“Kashmir is my last resort. I think, if I truly deserve it one day, I should go there and stay there for quite a while or if I really need it at any point, it should be my haven, my Shangri-la”.  Robert plant

“I have never seen anywhere in the world as beautiful as Kashmir. It has something to do with the fact that the valley is very small and the mountains are very big, so you have this miniature countryside surrounded by the Himalayas, and it is just spectacular and it is true, the people are very beautiful too”.  Salman Rushdie

“Since it’s thought to have a balancing effect on the female hormonal system, Angelica sinensis var. Cashmeriana is sometimes referred to as “female viagra.”  Sheikh Gulzar

“And how dare you think of paradise when Kashmir still exists on earth. Why the fuck don’t you understand that the occupation itself is the deepest circle of hell and there’s no hell beyond it”. Firoz Rather

“In Kashmir, rights relating to life, liberty, the dignity of the people, and freedom of expression guaranteed by the constitution, embodied in the fundamental covenants and enforceable by courts of law have been gravely violated”.  Nyla Ali Khan

Kashmir Day Poetry

If you want to participate in a competition about Kashmir Solidarity Day and are looking for some famous Kashmir Day Quotes, then this post is for you. Here you can read awesome Kashmir Solidarity Day Poetry in Urdu. 

ہاتھ میں پتھر لیے شہزادیاں کشمیر کی

ڈھونڈنے نکلی ہیں خود آزادیاں کشمیر کی

کب تک ظلم و ستم بربادیاں کشمیر کی

پوچھتی ہیں یا الهی وادیاں کشمیر کی

یا خدا توڑ دے اب ظلم کی زنجیر کو

دے میرے مولا آزادی وادی کشمیر کو

آمین یارب العالمین

jpg 20220131 223949 0000 - NaeTaze

سنا ہے بہت سستا ہے خون وہاں کا ~

اک بستی ہے جسے لوگ کشمیر کہتے ہیں

یاران جہاں کہتے ہیں کشمیر ہے جنت ~

جنت کسی کافر کو ملی ہے نہ ملے گی

!اے دنیا کے مصنفو، سلامتی کے ضامنو ~

کشمیر کی وادی میں بہتے لہو کا شور سنو

Kashmir Day Posters

You can see and also download Kashmir Day Posters here. I’ve uploaded here some fabulous Kashmir Day Quotes and Posters. 

Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter
Kashmir Day Posters:Twitter
Kashmir Day Posters:Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter
Kashmir Day Posters
Kashmir Day Posters
Kashmir Day Posters
Kashmir Day Posters
Kashmir Solidarity Day
Kashmir Solidarity Day
Kashmir Solidarity Day
Kashmir Solidarity Day

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