Fibonacci Day-23 November A Biography Everyone Wants To Read About

Fibonacci Day-23 November A Biography Everyone Wants To Read About
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World Fibonacci Day is celebrated every year on the 23rd of November and is dedicated to Leonardo Bonacci, also famous as Leonardo of Pisa. Interestingly, the day’s date resembles the first number of the Fibonacci Sequence, which is 1 1 2 3. Leonard Fibonacci was the most influential Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa of the middle Ages. If you are curious about getting more information about Fibonacci Day, then stay tuned till the end with us.


Interestingly, Leonard Fibonacci, an important mathematician of the middle ages, the son of Bonacci, introduced a number sequence that expresses itself in nature, design and physics. His father was an Italian merchant. Along with his father, Fibonacci visited North Africa, and he was exposed to a numeral system known as Hindu-Arabic Numeral System.

This system was unique due to its limitation of up to ten symbols, including zero. In comparison to Roman Numeral System, this system was more flexible and graceful. Fibonacci, in 1202, published “ Liber Abaci”, through which he introduced Europe to the Hindu- Arabic system and is now famous for his sequence.

Fibonacci Sequence is started with the 1,1,2,3,5 and is created by adding previous numbers to get next. The original example encoded by Fibonacci for his sequence is the population growth of Rabbits. This population increases in the same manner as we get the next digit in the Fibonacci Sequence.

A famous proportion associated with the Fibonacci Sequence and mostly found in nature is the Golden Ratio, roughly 1 to 1.6. This ratio appears in the distribution of seeds in berries, in the branching pattern of the trees, the spiral arms of galaxies, and human-engineered things.

Liber Abaci

In his famous publication, Leonard Fibonacci introduced the method of Indians, now famous as the Hindu-Arabic Numeral System. The book expresses practical use and its significance by applying the sequence in bookkeeping, money changing, calculating weights and measures, calculation of interests, and its other applications. Educated Europe received well this book and had a great impact on European thoughts.

This introduction of the Hindu-Arab Numeral System lately became the base of banking and accounting in Europe. The original manuscript does not know whether it exists; however, in 1228, the first section introduces the numeral system and its comparison with other Roman Numerals and conversion methods. The second portion explains its uses in business, calculating interests and profits. The book also covers Prime Numbers and Irrational Numbers.

Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence is number series:

Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence


  • The following number comes by adding the previous two numbers before it.
  • The two is found by adding the numbers before it (1+1),
  • The three is found by the addition of the previous two numbers (1+2),
  • The five is found by the addition of the previous numbers (2+3),
  • Eight by adding (3+5)
  • Thirteen by adding (8+5)
  • And so on
  • The next number in the above Series will be 21+34=55
  • It’s that simple.

If we write a longer list here, it will be:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393,…

Are you eligible to figure out the few next ones?

Fibonacci Sequence-The Rule

The Fibonacci Sequence is written as a “Rule.”

First, the terms are numbered as 0 to onwards.


So the term number 7 is called X7, which is 13.

Example: The 9th term is the 8th term plus 7th term:

X9 = X8 + X7

So, we can write the rule in such a way that:

The Rule is xn = xn−1 + xn−2

Fibonacci Sequence- Applications

The Fibonacci Sequence has its enormous application, including Mathematics, Physics, Nature, computers and more, here we will discuss a few of them.

Fibonacci Spiral
Fibonacci Spiral A Fun Fact


  • The Fibonacci number occurs in the sums of “ Shallow” Diagonals in Pascal’s Triangle.
  • The Fibonacci Numbers, also an example of the complete sequence.
  • Furthermore, Every positive integer can be written uniquely as a sum of one or more numbers and much more from a Mathematics perspective.

Computer Science

  • Fibonacci Numbers are Involved in Computational Run-Analysis of Euclid’s Algorithm.
  • They are used in the polyphase Version of the merge sort Algorithm.
  • Fibonacci Numbers are also used by Pseudorandom Number Generator.
  • Fibonacci Numbers are used by the planning poker, used in SCRUM methodology.
  • They are used in lossy compression.


  • Mostly, in nature, Fibonacci Numbers are present in biological fields. For example:
  • Tree Branching
  • Arrangement of leaves on a stem
  • The flowering of artichoke
  • The fruitlets of a pineapple
  • Arrangement of a pine cone
  • Uncurling of a fern
  • And one of the most common trees of the family of the honeybee
Fibonacci Sequence and Nature
Fibonacci Sequence and Nature


  • In Optics
  • For Financial Market Trading, Fibonacci Retracement levels are widely used in technical analysis.
  • The conversion factor for Miles to kilometres is nearly equal to Golden Ratio 1.609334
  • In artwork in 1970

Fibonacci Day-Observance

  • A variety of fun activities are held worldwide by the Math and Science classes focusing on the Fibonacci Sequence. To observe Fibonacci Day,
  • Enjoy an online video showing Fibonacci Numbers.
  • Look around yourself to find the Fibonacci Sequence in the items in your house or nature.
  • Try to learn more about Fibonacci Number or other famous Mathematicians.
  • Have fun with Fibonacci Exercises to explore more about it.

Fibonacci Day and Celebration Activities

Celebrate Just Like Fibonacci Did

By studying the growing population of rabbits, Fibonacci discovered the Sequence. He has set the outline of how many rabbits would exist after one year?

Plan a Fibonacci Junket

Fibonacci Sequence occurs very commonly in vegetables and fruits. If we make a small focus upon it, we can do both eating and gain knowledge from these foods and fun. Prepare things that reveal the Fibonacci Sequence and then help others to understand and have fun together.

Have a Fibonacci Inspired Walk

Depending upon the location where you live, You can observe Fibonacci numbers in trees, flowers, fruits and much more. Go with children on a nature walk and encourage them to observe these specific numbers in pineapples, pinecones, ferns, Snails, Sunflowers since all of these are made up of Fibonacci Numbers.

Seek out Fibonacci Sequence on Body

  • The bones in a human finger
  • Spiral in Human Ear
  • Golden Proportion ratios and Human Eye

Fibonacci Day Dates

TuesdayNovember 232021
WednesdayNovember 232022
ThursdayNovember 232023
SaturdayNovember 232024
SundayNovember 232025
Fibonacci Day Dates

If you are looking for more information, read here more. Happy International Men’s Day 19 November

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