Award-winning Pakistan Independence day speeches in English

Award winning Pakistan's Independence Day speeches 2021.
⟶ Award-winning Pakistan Independence Day Speeches in English for students
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Do you have a Speech competition coming up? Is your topic of speech related to Pakistan’s independence day? Then, don’t worry! Here are the three best speeches on 14 August you will ever see. Pakistan Independence Day 2021 is approaching. On 14 August, Pakistan will celebrate its 74th Independence Day. It is a day Pakistanis celebrate with full zeal and fervor. Celebrations are held in all parts of the country. People have different celebrations planned.

However, the most common one is Independence Functions in Schools/colleges/ universities. In these Functions, a Speech competition about 14 August is a must. KG, Primary, secondary, high school, and college students are given the task to write a speech on Independence Day and deliver it to the audience. In this article, we provide Award-winning Pakistan Independence Day Speeches in English for students. Here We Go:

Pakistan Independence Day Speeches 2021 in English | Speech #1:

Respected Principal, teachers, my colleagues, brothers, and sisters- Happy Independence Day! As you know, we all have gathered here today to celebrate the rightful partition of the sub-continent and the independence of our homeland Pakistan. Before I talk about how prestigious is this country, let me walk through how we obtained it. Our forefathers fought tooth and nail to get a separate homeland. Our leaders like Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, and many more worked tirelessly to awake Muslims.

Their message spread so quickly that Muslims were able to make the dream of a separate homeland come true. When the declaration of Pakistan happened, it was surreal for Muslims. Their blood, sweat, and efforts were not wasted.

But Dear Friends, what happened after independence is lamentable. There was a power struggle, corruption prevailed and the evil of feudalism spread. Seven decades have passed and we haven’t made Pakistan what our forefathers envisioned.

Dear friends, together we can make Pakistan a better place if we play our role. But what is that role? It is that role that Quaid e Azam gave to us when we achieved independence. Quaid transferred the future of Pakistan on our shoulders right before his death. He made the roles of everyone known. He advised the military to stay away from politics, and bureaucracy to think of themselves as only the public servants, and civilians to play their part as civilized citizens.

You may have heard the Urdu poetry:

Hum layen hen toofan se kashti nikal ke

Is mulk ko rkhna mere bachon sambhal ke

But how can we fully make the dream of our forefathers come true? The answer lies in Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s quotation- Unity, faith, and discipline. With this rule, Quaid e Azam brought us independence from evil British and Hindu forces at that time.

Despite its current condition, there is no doubt that our country is a blessing for us. We have the freedom to walk, eat, breathe, and think. The efforts of our forefathers are not completely gone in vain. Pakistan has been an important country for the world. Respectable audience, Pakistan is the only nuclear power among 50 Muslim countries. Not only that, due to Pakistan’s support, Russia who was a superpower at that time was defeated. Moreover, from Nobel laureates to athletes, we have given the world exceptional talents.

So, it is our responsibility to take care of our motherland. I am ending my speech with the hope that every Pakistani will realize the importance of this country. It is our duty to make Pakistan one of the best countries in the world. I pray to God that this day comes sooner. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!

Pakistan Independence Day Speeches for Students | Speech #2:

Respected Sir, teachers, fellows, and friends, Assalam o Alaikum!

We all have gathered on this auspicious occasion to celebrate the independence of our country. But before I proceed with my speech, I want to clarify the term Independence. What is Independence? Some of you may think it is freedom from anti-muslim forces. Some of you may think it is the freedom to do anything. But in reality, Independence is a much more broad term. It not only includes independence from oppressive forces but also equal opportunities for every citizen to groom their personality.

Without a doubt, independence is a gift.

For that gift, we must be thankful to our forefathers and Muslim league leaders. When we discuss independence day, we must shed some light on the hard work, commitment, and struggle of our leaders and forefathers to ensure a separate homeland. During the 1947 migration, thousands lost their lives in the pursuit of living independently.

Dear Friends, we must be thankful to our forefathers that because of their sacrifices we are living in peace. We don’t have to go through what they experienced. Sitting on the chair or delivering speeches on Pakistan’s Independence Day on the stage won’t encapsulate how many sacrifices they did to get Pakistan. So, when you celebrate 14 August, don’t forget what our forefathers did as well.

Respected audience, when we look at the current condition Pakistan is in, patriots like me get hurt. We have deviated from the path Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal showed to us. Pakistan is not much respected internationally. Many think of us as a terrorist harboring country with an unstable economy. Pakistan has the potential to be one of the biggest economies due to its geostrategic position.

Now, it is our job to make Pakistan a better country. We have to follow the guidelines of Muhammad Ali Jinnah to make our beloved Pakistan an advanced country.

I believe that by molding our immoral characters into morals, we can do this. Pakistan Zindabad!

14 August is a day on which Pakistani's celebrate Independence.
14 August is a day on which Pakistani’s celebrate Independence.

14th August Speech ( Not for Primary class to 5th class) | Speech #03:

Respectable principal, worthy teachers, my dear brothers, and sisters, Assalam o Alaikum!

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about the biggest occasion as a Pakistani we can witness- independence. It is my great honor that I am giving a speech in front of such capable individuals. I want to begin my speech by stating that Pakistan did not get independence in 1947. According to the father of the Nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan came into being when the first Hindu converted to Islam. It has happened more than 1300 years ago. Officially, we got independence on 14 August 1947.

But here I want to stress what has happened after the independence. Those who took part in the freedom struggle saw power-mongering politicians quarreling. In the first 10 years, 7 times Prime Minister was changed. This shows how unstable our political system was. Then, those freedom fighters who fought the British at that time saw two martial laws. First by Ayub Khan and then by Yahya Khan.

To add insult to the injury, East Pakistan got separated from us. After losing Kashmir, we lost our right-wing East Pakistan. Indira Gandhi on this occasion said India has drowned the two-nation theory in the Bay of Bengal. People were expecting that sooner or later, Pakistan will beak into more pieces. But I took great pride in saying that as a nation we came back stronger than ever.

We played the central role in defeating the superpower at that time- Russia. Then we became the first Muslim nation to become a Nuclear power. When Pakistan conducted nuclear tests, celebrations were held in every Muslim country. We won world cups, Olympic medals, Nobel prizes, and many more notable awards.

Dear brothers and sisters, even after achieving so much, we are still lagging.

Politicians also have to do more than making Pakistan Independence Day Speeches. Our neighbor and arch-rival India has surpassed us in almost every field. What is the reason for this? Many will say bad economy or corrupt politicians. But sadly, if we dig deeper, it is us who are responsible for this mess. We give votes to such corrupt politicians and bring them into power.

Many give votes based on caste, creed, or by taking money or food. When it comes to crippling the economy, we are also responsible as well. The upper class does not give taxes. In America, not giving tax is one of the biggest civil offenses. When it comes to the Middle class and the poor, we encourage Informal economic activities. We must realize we have to work in harmony and the betterment of our country as a nation.

Lets’ pray that we start living in peace and harmony and together work for the betterment of our beloved homeland. Ameen. That’s all from me.

The Bottom Line:

Independence day is surely the biggest celebration for a nation. Like every other country, Pakistan also celebrates it with enthusiasm. One way of this celebration is speeches which normally take place in schools/colleges and university. Some also participate in the Pakistan Independence day essay competition. This article is specifically for those who have a speech competition coming up and looking for the best speech on the independence topic. You can also make notes to make Independence day speeches for Primary class, up to class 5, and even graduate students. NaeTaze hopes that you enjoyed Pakistan Independence Day Speeches 2021 article. 

Also, If you liked reading Pakistan Independence Day Speeches don’t forget to read | India is involved in Hacking Imran Khan’s Phone

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