Arnab Goswami’s Fake News about Serena Hotel Goes Viral!

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When it comes to faking news, Indian Media always tops the list! This time Arnab Goswami’s fake news about Serena Hotel in Kabul is making rounds around Twitter! Spreading misinformation is very common there. Particularly, when it comes to the discussion of Pakistan, they always make such blunders and try to destroy Pakistan’s reputation in front of international media!

This time the stunt is pulled out by Modhi’s favorite journalist. Arnab Goswami says, Serena Hotel in Kabul has five floors. Whereas in reality, Serena Hotel in Kabul has only two floors! The sensational journalist is under fire since the statement went live on a talk show! Read all about why Arnab Ghoswani is being trolled!

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Arnab Goswami’s Fake News Backfired at Him

Recently, senior Indian journalist Arnab Goswami is under fire for his illogical statement on an Indian TV channels talk show “The Debate.” TV anchor Arnab is the managing director and also editor-in-chief of Republic Media Network. Since his talk show went viral he is in the spotlight and is being trolled from across the borders!

The trolling is because he mentioned that the fifth floor of Serena Hotel in Kabul is occupied by Pakistani officers. Further, he also mentioned that nobody can question his statement as he even knew what they had for the dinner via his “reliable sources.” The anchor passed a statement in a live show that says,

The fifth floor of Serena Hotel in Kabul is occupied by a number of Pakistani ISI agents who are staying there to fight in the Panjshir Valley. I can also maybe tell you what they ordered for dinner so don’t question my intelligence sources. Arnab Goswami, TV news anchor from India

Arnab Goswami in “The Debate”

In a reply to this statement, PTI spokesperson from Pakistan rectified Arnab Goswami’s fake news and told him that the hotel doesn’t even consist of the third floor! Hence, he clarified that there are only two floors in Kabul’s Serena Hotel.

Also, read about how the Taliban celebrated withdrawal of US troops!

Arnab Goswani’s Statement About Serena Hotel in Kabul Takes Twitter by Storm!

Since the news went viral, the memers could not resist and made lots of memes on the journalist. We’ll also share some with you. Most of the Pakistanis are criticizing him for the “non-existing” details he provided at the show. Hence, it’s clear that Serena Hotel in Kabul doesn’t consist of the third, fourth, and fifth floors except for the anchor’s imagination.

Nation Wants to Know! From where Arnab gets his weed? Arnab ‘knows’ all non existing details of ‘invisible’ hotel floors in Kabul and movement of Pak army! Detective Arnab, use your skills and first find out who was behind Pulwama attack ? 


Despite being a journalist he didn’t realize that media knows how to reach the roots of truth! A lie will always be a lie! A confident accent won’t transform it into truth. However, this isn’t the first time Indian Media is being trolled for its false allegations. They are used to spreading misinformation through their incorrect analysis.

What would be the effect of the Taliban’s government on Afghanistan’s neighboring countries? Read now!

Arnab Goswami’s Fake News
Goswami’s absurd statement is being trolled on Twitter and other social media platforms!

Following are some of the memes that were made to troll Arnab Goswami,

A few days back, the same story was repeated due to Indian Media’s “unprofessional” behavior. It was when a journalist from Indian information company ANI tweeted saying that Abdullah Abdullah is under Taliban’s custody and would be transferred to a secret location!

As soon as the tweet started gaining attention, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah denied the news and called it fake. Afghan Chief also shared Naveen Kapoor’s tweet and called it “baseless and false.” Hence, Arnab Goswami’s fake news isn’t the only one! There are a lot more stories of Indian Media’s

Why are people escaping Afghanistan leaving behind all of their assets? Read the reality now!

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