5th August’21 | Second anniversary of Article 370 abolishment

Justice for Indian occupied Kashmir
⟶ Justice for Indian occupied Kashmir
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2019 was the hardest year for Kashmiris! August 5, 2021, marks the second anniversary of India’s brutal occupation of the Kashmiri land. The valiant spirit of Kashmiris helped them survive the brutal military occupation. The Article 370 abolishment has caused material changes in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), leading to direct atrocities against the locals. However, the spunk and pluck of Kashmiris is the paradigm of dedication for independence. But the question is, what is Article 370? And why the revocation took place? Read the article and find answers to all of your questions!

Kashmir – the controversial land!

The seed Maharaja Hari Singh had sown 73 years ago is what the people of Kashmir are reaping now. Poor decisions of leaders make the nation suffer for years. Kashmir was unlucky to get one of such leaders who didn’t think of his people.

Back in 1947, when the sub-continent was divided, Kashmiris wanted to join Pakistan, whereas their leader Hari Singh wanted it to accede to India. Meanwhile, India and Pakistan were separated, and in 1947, both the states fought for Kashmir for the first time. Since then, the conflict remains exactly where it was started.

As a result of the Simla Agreement, UNO established LOC. It came into effect in 1972. India took control over 55% region of the land. In contrast, Pakistan took over 35% of the land. It has been 73 years since the conflict started. However, UNO remains unsuccessful in fulfilling its objective that is “Maintenance of Peace.” Circumstances became worse in 2019 due to Article 370 abolishment by the Indian government. This made Kashmiris go through the toughest time they had ever witnessed. They went through strict curfew, internet connections were cut off, and no movement was allowed.

Strict lock down in Kashmir took place as a result of Article 370 abolishment!
Strict lockdown in Kashmir took place as a result of Article 370 abolishment!

Also read about Imran Khan asking for a referendum in Kashmir!

All about Article 370 abolishment!

Article 370 had a lot of benefits for Kashmir. It allowed the IoK to have its own autonomy. It gave it the authority to make its own constitution, have its own flag, and freedom to constitute its own laws. However, the Central government dealt with the communication and foreign affairs of the state. They were independent in property dealings, and it also limited the authority of the Indian Parliament to enforce any of the laws in IoK except defense, communication, and foreign affairs.

Effects of abolishing Article 370

PM of India Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) already opposed the Article 370 implementation. A rushed presidential order in 2019 repealed Article 370. The revocation badly affected the disputed land.  One of the consequences of the revocation of article 370 is that citizens from all over India now have the authority to acquire properties in IoK and can also settle there permanently. This move is considered as a means of diluting the Muslim majority population of Indian occupied Kashmir. In this way, Hindu settlers can filter the Muslim majority and balance the demography in the state.

The revocation caused all the Indian laws to be applicable in the IoK. Abolishment allowed Indian Citizens to buy properties in the IoK. Moreover, the government called it a developmental step for the state. Home Minister Amit Shah considered article 370 a reason for corruption. He also called it a hurdle in democracy implementation in the state back in 2019.

“It’s because of these sections that democracy was never fully implemented, corruption increased in the state, that no development could take place.”

Amit Shah

Will the hashtags about Kashmir ever work out?

Pakistan has always stepped forward to support Kashmiris. Despite the global politics, PM Imran Khan never refrained from talking about the disputed land. Pakistan’s Foreign Minister on 5th August 2021 tweeted,

Since 2019, the Kashmir dispute has always been a part of the headlines and social media trends. But do you think these hashtags are going to work? Although social media is the most powerful tool to spread awareness in 2021 but would it work for Kashmir? Well, the UNO needs to work on the Indian-occupied Kashmir issue. It also needs public support to become independent and to be freed from India’s brutality.

What is the history of Kashmir? Why is it called the disputed land? Read all about it!

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